Sunday, January 5, 2025

Italian 101 Welcome

Welcome to Italian 101. Learning a language can be fun but it can also be very challenging. Remember, never be afraid to make mistakes.  That is how we learn! Much of your learning will occur at home and without finding the time to complete the set homework and revise what we cover in class your progress will be slow and frustrating. However, if you have a busy week and cannot complete the homework it does not matter!  It is not a race. The first 6 months are the toughest. Our goal is to challenge your brain. The harder you are finding the work, the more you are working your brain. Buona fortuna!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Italian 201 dicembre quattro

Next lesson is our last for the year. 

 If you have not done your in flight conversation this is your last chance. 

Apologies there is no Quiz! 

Morning Tea Topic:  Your holiday plans over summer

Italian 401 compiti dicembre quattro

Next lesson is our last for the year. 

 If you have not done your presentation this is your last chance. 

Apologies there is no Quiz!

Morning Tea Topic:  Qual รจ il tuo ricordo preferito del Natale?

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Italiano 201 compiti novembre ventisette

 1. Review pages 1-6 of your Grammar - quiz

2. Prepare your plane flight conversation

3.  Study the rest of  the Useful Link Italian Small Talk 2 (skip the first 49 secs) - quiz

Italiano 401 compiti novembre ventisette

1. Study pages 217-220 of your grammar - Double pronouns  - quiz

2. Translate all of page 45 of your Reader

3. Prepare for morning tea conversation: The most embarrassing moment of my life

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Italiano 201 compiti novembre venti

 1. Translate the summary on page 20 of your Reader and the multiple choice questions on page 21

2. Prepare your plane flight conversation

3.  Study the first 7 minutes of  the Useful Link Italian Small Talk 2 (skip the first 49 secs) - quiz

Italiano 401 compiti novembre venti

1. Study pages 214-216 of your grammar - uses of 'ci'  - quiz

2. Translate top half of page 45 of your Reader

3. Prepare for morning tea conversation: Who has had the most influence on your life and why?