Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Italiano 401 compiti giugno dodici

Next lesson will be our last for the Term and classes will resume on July 10.

1. Translate the bottom half of page 38 from 'Perche'  disse Bob  to si alzo' in piedi'

2.   Lisa's adventures from 82.15 - 88:10 -  quiz

3. . Study the last 10 Italian phrases in 20 Useful Italian expressions in the Useful Links - quiz

Italiano 201 compiti giugno dodici

 Next lesson will be our last for the Term and we resume on July 10.

1.  Translate page 18 of your Handbook

2. Translate page 11 of your Reader and learn the vocab on page 11 for a Quiz

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Italiano 201 compiti giugno cinque

 1. Translate page 17 of your Handbook

2. Finish the short story of pages 10-11

3. Study the vocab on page 19 of your Handbook - quiz

Italiano 401 compiti giugno cinque

 1. Lisa's adventures from 77.05 - 82.15 - quiz

2. Study the first 10 Italian phrases in 20 Useful Italian expressions in the Useful Links - quiz

3.  Finalize your telephone conversation for your performance during our last class on June 12

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Italiano 201 compiti maggio ventinove

 1. Translate page 16 of your Handbook (review pages 31, 46-49 for the answers)

2.  Study the Useful Link   25 Must Know Italian verbs  for a quiz

Italiano 401 compiti maggio ventinove

1. Traduci pagina trentanove da "Mi addormentai" a "averlo preso tu"

2. Lisa's adventures: 72.02 - 77.05 mins

3. Morning Tea: Raccontami uno dei tuoi piĆ¹ grandi successi nella tua vita.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Italiano 201 compiti maggio ventidue

 1. Using the Verbs guide on pages 32 and 43 translate page 15 of your Handbook

2. Study pages 28 and 29 of your Handbook for a quiz

3. Translate page 9 of your Reader